Survivor Frenzy |
day 4, Helen and Jan from Chuay Gahn paddled out
to sea to get water from their source. Consciously,
Helen left the map claiming that she knows where
the water source is located. As the two women reached
the shore of what they thought was the right location,
Jan volunteered to look after the boat as Helen
looked for the source. As Helen went on, she soon
realized that they were in the wrong place. As it
turned out, they set out towards the wrong direction
and got lost. |
back at camp, the boys were having fun playing
with the golf club and ball that Clay brought
as his luxury item. What they did not know
was that while they were having fun on the
beach, Helen and Jan were being pummeled
by strong waves in the middle of the sea.
Soon after, the two women found their way
to the right place. They quickly fetched
some water and then headed back to camp.
Almost five hours have passed since the
two women left their beach, so their tribe
mates were getting really worried. A few
moments later, the two women came into view
of the rest of their tribe.
Sook Jai, while most of their teammates were busy
building their hut, Jed and Stephanie sat by the
beach talking about how foolish it is for their
tribe to concentrate on shelter alone. They obviously
weren't too happy with what's been happening at
camp. But they were not the only ones who had something
to complain about. Their refusal to help build their
shelter was getting into the nerves of some of their
tribe mates, who thought that they were being too
lazy. But although Jed and Stephanie did not help
much with the building of the hut, they did well
for the tribe by preparing some water and food for
their tribe mates. |
that day, Erin, Jake, Ken, Penny and Shii Ann all
went out to find better food for the tribe. They
started by the beach where they collected a few
clams and then proceeded to a nearby cave where
they were able to collect some crabs and oysters.
Back at camp, Jed, Robb and Stephanie thought that
it was too unreasonable for all five of their team
mates to look for food all together. That night,
the three didn't join the rest of the tribe to eat
and slept out on the beach. Having no shelter for
protection, the three were exposed to the rain that
hit the camp in the middle of the night. |
mail came to the tribes the next morning telling
them about their next challenge. As they arrived
at the challenge location, host Jeff Probst explained
the instructions. Each tribe will be blindfolded
and will have carry a palanquin over a course. On
their way, they will pass by several stations where
they have to collect small bags of their tribe's
color. One member from each tribe has to sit inside
their respective palanquins and serve as guides.
The first team to come back to the mats wins the
reward, which included equipments for gathering
food. Sook Jai had one extra member so they chose
to sit out Stephanie. During the whole length of
the race, the competition was very stiff. But in
the end, Sook Jai edged out Chuay Gahn and won the
reward. |
night 5, the rest of the Chuay Gahn tribe, despite
having lost the reward challenge, surprised Helen
on her anniversary. They made her a crown of leaves
and flowers, and gave her a song. Helen, not expecting
the surprise, thought that her tribe mates were
leaving her out of something during the day. She
thought that there was a scheme or a plan against
her. It was a plan alright, but it sure wasn't against
her. Helen had tears in her eyes saying that it
was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for
her. She said that she would never forget what her
tribe mates did for her, for the rest of her life. |
next day, news came of the Immunity Challenge. It
was a giant lotus puzzle that they had to complete
by unclipping the missing lotus pieces from underwater
and attaching them to their tribe's lotus flower.
The first tribe to attach all the missing pieces
to the lotus flower and has all their tribe's members
sitting on it wins immunity. This time, Sook Jai
sat Shii Ann out since they can't sit the sam person
out of back-to-back challenges. As usual it was
a very close fight, but in the end Sook Jai retained
their immunity. Chuay Gahn had to vote another one
of their members off the island. |
a very emotional Tribal Council, five members
of Chuay Gahn voted for Tanya while the other
two voted for Helen. Although Helen's "no
fun" attitude and inability to jive with
the rest of the tribe cost her two votes, it wasn't
enough to vote her out. Instead, Tanya's being
sick the past few days cost her to be voted off
the island. Although most of her tribe mates liked
her so much, they felt that it was the right thing
to do. As Brian said, he was just making sure
that Tanya will have a nice meal that night.