Hatch, the 28 year-old Corporate Trainer from Rhode
Island, outlasted 15 other brave souls to become
the sole survivor. The whole world watched as Hatch
won against Kelly Wiglesworth in the final vote,
4-3. Accompanying the title, Hatch got a paycheck
amounting to 1 million dollars. On the other hand,
Wiglesworth took home a hundred thousand dollars
for being the runner-up. The final episode attracted
over 50 million viewers across the United States. |
show started out with the final four battling it
out for immunity: Rich, Kelly, Susan and Rudy. The
first immunity challenge was "Fallen Comrades."
Host Jeff Probst asked questions about the other
castaways. The first castaway to answer 10 questions
correctly wins. Kelly won that challenge. Tribal
Council followed Immediately. During the voting,
Susan and Rich saw theirselves tied with two votes
each. Probst then called for a re-vote and the two
were asked to plead for their life in the island.
Only Rudy and Kelly were allowed to vote and they
unanimously voted Susan off. |
following day, the three remaining castaways battled
it out for immunity once more. This time it was
a test of endurance, concentration, and determination.
They were made to hold the immunity idol while standing
on top of logs. Whoever stays there the longest
without taking their hands off the idol wins. Once
again, Kelly won and was the only one allowed to
vote during the Tribal Council. There, she voted
Rudy off. |
the last day, Kelly and Rich saw theirselves in
front of the seven jury members for the final vote
that will ultimately decide who wins. The jury members
were allowed to ask questions or make statements
to help them further in deciding who to vote for.
In the end, the majority of the jury wanted Rich
to take home the prize, making him the first Survivor
winner. (Source: CBS
Official Survivor Site) |
Favorites ]
out who among the castaways of season 1, made it to
the top 20 all-time favorite survivors list.
Guestbook ]
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for Tammy's message to all her supporters in the