night, the tribes continued their jubilation
by gathering round the fire. There they
ate, drank, shared stories and sang. Shii
Ann was gracious enough to share a song
with her fellow castaways. Brian, on the
other hand, also tried to shared his music
to his fellow castaways. However, his music
didn't really sound good after having drunk
too much alcohol. Realizing Brian's state,
Ted brought him to the beach to get some
air. He also thought of it as a way to strengthen
their bond not just as members of an alliance,
but as friends as well. While at the beach,
Ted was amazed because despite being drunk,
Brian still had the game in mind. Brian
told Ted that they should watch out for
NYC, pertaining to Ken.
next morning, Brian approached Shii Ann
offering her to join the Chuay Gahn's voting
block. Shii Ann was a little bit hesitant
at first but later agreed with Brian. She
was concerned of breaking Jake and Ken's
trust. So she decided to talk to Ken about
it. She thought that it would be better
if she'd tell them about her plan. But when
she approached Ken, and Ken asked her about
what she plans to do, she was able to say
nothing but "i'm still flip-flopping
right now." When Ken asked her again,
she said that she'll think about it and
that she'll come back to tell him about
her decision. Ken was worried with Shii
Ann turning against them. According to him,
if she goes against them, she'll be considered
a rat for the rest of her life.
the castaways received their tree mail informing
them of the next Immunity Challenge, they
assumed that it was going to be for individual
immunity. It talked about the island, once
being the home of a prison. When they arrived
at the challenge site, Jeff had a quick
chat with the castaways. He asked Erin how
it was living together in one camp. As Erin
answered, she used the term "merge"
thinking that that's really what happened.
After her statement, Jeff was quick to point
out that he didn't say anything about the
tribes merging. He cleared that all he said
was that the tribes were going to live together
in one camp. After hearing this, the castaways
were shocked. Then, they realized that they
will still be vying for team immunity. It
is still Chuay Gahn versus Sook Jai.
then proceeded with the challenge. The castaways
will be chained and locked up in a cell.
From there they will have to get the keys
that are hanging on poles outside the cell.
There are 15 keys for 15 locks. The tribes
can use everything they can find on the
floor of the cell. After they have gotten
all of the key and unlcoked theirselves,
they now have to escape from their cell.
They can only do this by digging a hole
from inside the cell outward, and passing
through it to get out. The first tribe to
run across the finish line with all of their
keys will win immunity. As the game started,
the two tribes were neck and neck. Going
to their last keys, both teams were tied
at 14 each. As the Chuay Gahn tribe tried
to get their last key it fell to the ground.
The same happened to Sook Jai. However,
Chuay Gahn was faster in recovering their
last key and after they unlocked the last
lock, they started digging. Meanwhile, Sook
Jai was still trying to recover their fallen
key. There was no stopping Chuay Gahn and
in no time, they finished digging their
hole. One by one, the members got out and
ran straight to the finish line with all
their 15 keys. Chuay Gahn won immunity for
the third time in a row. Having lost once
again, Sook Jai needed to head straight
to Tribal Council.
was an action-packed Tribal Council for
Sook Jai. When asked, both Erin and Penny
talked of their unhapiness with one of their
tribemates. Erin wasn't happy because she
feels that that particular castaway broke
their trust. On the other hand, Penny felt
bad because this tribemate supposedly said
that she's going to be the next one voted
off. Probably feeling that she's being ganged
upon, Shii Ann grabbed the opportunity to
speak when she was offered the floor. She
said that their tribe isn't united like
some of her tribemates would like to believe.
She added that she has experienced the effect
of this division more than anybody else.
So, she said that she shouldn't be blamed
for wanting to become close with members
of the Chuay Gahn. She continued by saying
that she have not yet lied to anyone in
her tribe. She said that she had been honest
to everyone since day one. In the end, she
asked her other tribemates to keep her instead.
With that, they began to vote. After the
votes had been read, it was still Shii Ann
who was voted out of the island, 4-1.